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This page contains data frames from previous studies. Along with each data frame is a coding sheet that describes the variables assessed. The data comes from the West Virginia Corpus of English in Appalachia, as described in Hazen 2014:  Language Variation and Change 26.1: 77-102.

From Hazen, Kirk. Flying high above the social radar: Coronal stop deletion in modern Appalachia. 2011.  Language Variation and Change 23.1: 105-137.

Coronal stop deletion variables:  Hazen CSD coding

Data for CSD in tab-delimited txt format:  Hazen_2011_CSD_data

Questions? Email Kirk.Hazen AT

From Hazen, Kirk. A new role for an ancient variable in Appalachia: Paradigm leveling and standardization in West Virginia. 2014.  Language Variation and Change 26.1: 77-102.

Past Be coding:  Past Tense Be Coding Scheme

Past Be data:  was_write

Questions? Email

From Hazen 2008: (ING): A vernacular baseline for English in Appalachia. 2008. American Speech 83.2: 116-140.

ING coding scheme:  ING Coding Scheme

ING data:  ing data

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From Hazen, Hamilton, and Vacovsky 2011: The fall of demonstrative them: Evidence from Appalachia. 2011. Coauthored with Sarah Hamilton and Sarah Vacovsky. English World-Wide 32.1: 74-103.

Demonstrative them codes:  Demonstrative Them Coding

Demonstrative them data:  demonstrative them data

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